Epic Ink

At Epic Ink, we publish a collection of engaging and visually stunning books that delve into the captivating worlds of music icons, cultural phenomena, and memorable moments in entertainment history. Our imprint features a diverse array of titles that appeal to fans of all ages, from those nostalgic for the heyday of 90s boy bands to avid followers of modern-day pop sensations. We aim to strike the perfect balance between thoughtful exploration and sheer enjoyment, ensuring that our books are not only informative but also irresistibly fun to read and display on your shelf. Epic Ink produces books that are as fresh and modern as the pop culture they celebrate.

Contact Details

Epic Ink
142 West 36th Street
Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10018

Tel: +1 212-779-4972
Fax: +1 212-779-6058
Rage Kindelsperger, VP Publishing Director
Erin Canning, Editorial Director


Foreign Rights:
If you are interested in publishing our titles in Europe, please contact:
   Karine Marko
   Group Foreign Rights Director
If you are interested in publishing our titles anywhere else in the world, please contact: 
   Kate Essam
   Director of Sales Operation, Quarto Foreign Rights Operations

Become an Epic Ink Author

If you have an entertainment or pop culture book idea that you’d like to share with us, we’d love to hear it. Please follow the directions in the submission guidelines to submit your proposal.

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