Quarto Publishing

Quarto Adults is the original co-edition list in the Quarto Group. The focus of its list is crafts, art instruction, how-to, mbs, personal development and esoteric. Quintessence is its sister imprint producing category killer titles in visual arts, food culture, natural history, science, living and gift. Both imprints have a well-deserved reputation for style and quality and their titles are licensed in over 40 languages worldwide.


Quarto and Quintessence have longstanding valued relationships with all our publishing partners worldwide. Our collaborative and creative team work with top tier authors in every subject and are dedicated to producing beautiful engaging books that intrigue, delight and are built to last.

Contact Details

Contact Info

Quarto Publishing
1 Triptych Place 2nd Floor
185 Park Street
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)2077 009 000

Lorraine Dickey, Publisher

Foreign Rights for Publication:

Interested in purchasing rights to publish one of our titles in another language or territory? Please contact:

Marion Serre
Foreign Rights Director, Adult



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