Subtitle A Book of Brains and How They Work

Clive Gifford, Anne Wilson
Price £10.99
Description Description

Discover everything about how brains work from emotions to actions, reactions and the functioning of the body, in this expansive and inclusive guide.

Brains are fascinating! Why can't you tickle yourself? Why do adults like foods they hated as children? How do some sneaky creatures have the ability to take over the brains of other species?

Answer all these questions and more whilst celebrating the power of your unique brain in You & Your Amazing Brain

You will discover:

  • What the different parts of the brain are and how they work
  • How memories, speech and sleep work
  • How the human brain develops from birth to adulthood
  • How your brain changes when you become a teenager, and how to understand these changes
  • How the brains of other creatures match up to ours
  • And most of all how every brain works in its own special way
Find out all about your amazing brain in this guide to the most special, and fascinating, organ in your body!
Format Paperback + Flaps 80 Pages
ISBN 9780711283619
Size7.28 in x 9.45 in / 185.00 mm x 240.00 mm
Published Date June 8th, 2023
Clive Gifford
Clive Gifford has traveled to more than 70 countries, climbed rocket launch towers, ridden on robots, and flown gliders. He's had more than 200 books published and has received nominations for or won Royal Society, School Library Association, Smithsonian, and TES awards. He won the Blue Peter Book Award for Best Book with Facts 2019 for his title The Colors of History (QEB). Clive lives in Manchester, UK. 
Anne Wilson
Anne Wilson has an MA in illustration from Central St Martins College of Art, London and has been an illustrator for over 15 years. Much of her work is inspired by everyday life, pattern, color, and shape. Born on Ascension Island in the South Atlantic, Anne now lives in the much less remote town of Reading, England.
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