Subtitle The forgotten tales behind nature’s most enigmatic creatures

Alison Davies, Sarah Wildling
Price $15.99 / £12.99
Description Description

Did you know that it's considered a sin to harm a robin? Or that seagulls were once thought to be the souls of dead sailors? And do you know what happens if you listen to a blackbird’s song on May Day?

With The Folklore of Birds you can discover the fascinating folklore behind nature’s most intriguing animals.

At once familiar and unknowable, birds have for centuries provided a rich source of speculation and myth-making. From the Catholic belief that barnacle geese were actually fish (and could therefore be eaten on the Sabbath) to the Ancient Greek tale of Ceyx and Halcyone who were transformed into kingfishers after death as reward for their fidelity, our feathered friends have given rise to an astonishingly rich body of myth, legend and superstition.

With its interesting titbits and curious facts coupled with breathtakingly beautiful illustrations, The Folklore of Birds is charming, quirky gift for the birdwatcher in your life. 

Format Hardcover Book 160 Pages
ISBN 9780711298460
Size5.08 in x 7.80 in / 129.00 mm x 198.00 mm
Published Date April 24th, 2025
Alison Davies
Alison Davies lives in Nottingham and runs workshops at universities throughout the UK showing academics, students and early years practitioners how stories and narratives can be used as tools for teaching, healing and learning. She has a keen interest in folklore, health and wellbeing and the esoteric and is the author of Tales Behind the Tarot and Goddess Stories (Leaping Hare Press).
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