Subtitle A 52-Week Guide to Manifesting your Goals & Finding your Purpose
Description Description Plan your goals and find your peace every day of the year with guided meditations and journal prompts to keep you inspired and motivated.
Finding the Joy in the Journey: 365 Days of Planning My Goals is the ultimate guide for maintaining a schedule and collecting all of your thoughts in one space. There are 365 days’ worth of journal prompts and guided meditations to help you discover the joy in your journey to success and peace, with beautiful designs throughout to keep you motivated and inspired.
On your joyous journey, find inspiration through prompts like:
– If money were not an issue, you knew you couldn’t fail, and all your dreams came true, what would your ideal life be like? Write in the present tense as if you are already living it! Get as detailed as possible because this prompt will help you gain clarity. It’s great to repeat because the more you write it out in present tense, the more it’ll feel real to you and help you manifest it.
– It’s always great to give yourself space to deeply heal and let go. So, it’s time to release everything that’s bothering you. Write down anything that’s currently bring you down, no matter how small, and then imagine letting it all go. After that, write about the things that you love in your life. Focus on the things that make you smile and make your heart happy.
– A fairy godmother is granting you 3 wishes. What would they be? She’s also letting you grant 1 wish to everyone you love. What would they be? After each, take a moment to really envision it happening for yourself and the others.
Take the leap and see what you can achieve with Finding the Joy in the Journey!