Subtitle A simple, no-diet plan for healthy habits that stick

Lyndi Cohen
Price $27.99
Description Description

“I want to press this book into the hands of every woman.” - Turia Pitt

Our constant fixation with losing weight is exhausting. We're stuck in a vicious diet cycle, gaining weight after each failed attempt and never feeling good enough. Diet culture and unattainable #bodygoals contribute to binge and emotional eating, burnout and overwhelm. It's time to embrace the new approach that readers are calling "life-changing" and a "must-read."

In Your Weight is not the Problem, nutritionist and dietitian Lyndi Cohen offers a simple plan to break free from yo-yo diets with easy, healthy habits you can stick to no matter how busy life gets. She uncovers the real reason diets never work (hint: it's not your lack of willpower), and why the BMI is BS. You'll learn how to:


  • Break free from disordered eating to find freedom with food.
  • Read your body's cues instead of the scale to find your “happy weight”.
  • Declutter the diet rules that keep you in a spiral of shame and self-loathing.
  • Feel comfortable in your skin and have the energy to do the things you love.



Liberate yourself from food guilt and self-blame with a new approach to health that doesn't rely on willpower or counting calories — because you can't live a full life on an empty stomach.


Format Trade Paperback 304 Pages
ISBN 9781922616494
Size6.02 in x 9.21 in / 152.91 mm x 233.93 mm
Published Date April 4th, 2023
Lyndi Cohen
Lyndi Cohen is a nutritionist and dietitian who ditched diets after finally realising that it wasn't worth sacrificing 95 per cent of her life to weigh 5 per cent less. Known as the Nude Nutritionist for her honest, back-to-basics approach, she's built a dedicated following by calling out nutrition nonsense and promoting real health and body acceptance. She is the resident nutritionist on Channel 9's TODAY show, a columnist for Mamamia and host of the podcast No Wellness Wankery, and is a regularly featured expert on, Kidspot, body+soul, The Sydney Morning Herald and elsewhere.
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