Whether you are new to watercolor or not, the Watercolor This Book series provides a fun watercolor painting experience with no sketching required. With information on all the basic skills you need to start watercoloring, step-by-step tutorials, and an included watercolor pad with templates, you have everything you need to create frame-worthy art! Also in the series: Watercolor This Book: Beautiful Butterflies and Flowers.
Lacey Walker is the artist and creator behind Rebel Unicorn Crafts (rebelunicorncrafts.com) and the immensely popular Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube accounts @RebelUnicornCrafts. She has an unstoppable need to create, whether watercolor painting, drawing, crafting, pottery, or silversmithing. She is always thinking of new things to make and experimenting with new mediums. Guided by her belief that art and creativity are crucial to the world and essential for achieving happiness, she loves to spread knowledge and creativity through social media classes, her blog, and shop.