Subtitle A Handbook of Wiccan History, Traditions, and Rituals

Agnes Hollyhock
Price $19.99 / £14.99
Description Description Access the power of the Wiccan religion in this beautiful handbook featuring the history of the craft that includes a primer of its symbols, festivities, ceremonies, tools, elements, and practices.

Wicca Magic is an essential guide to learn how the cycles of nature, the moon, and the elements work to connect you closer to the craft. Learn about the different types of Wicca:
  • Garderian Wicca
  • Dianic Wicca
  • Celtic Wicca
  • Alexandrian Wicca

In Wicca Magic, you will cast a circle, purify space and participants, call down to the guardians, and more! With the use of altars and rituals, magic is right at your fingertips.

Discover the origins of Wicca, types of witches, different deities, and Wiccan core beliefs while unearthing the truth about realms and portals. In addition to spells, spellcasting, rituals, and meditations, learn to make potions from the herbs and plants that are integral to the practice and how oils, incense, and candles can harness intentions.

The Mystical Handbook series from Wellfleet takes you on a magical journey through the wonderful world of spellcraft and spellcasting. Explore a new practice with each volume and learn how to incorporate spells, rituals, blessings, and cleansings into your daily routine. These portable companions feature beautiful foil-detail covers and color-saturated interiors on a premium paper blend.

Other books in the series include: Witchcraft, Moon Magic, Love Spells, Fairy Magic, Goddess Magic, Knot Magic, Superstitions, House Magic, and Herbal Magic.
Format Paper Over Board 160 Pages
ISBN 9781577153962
Size5.51 in x 8.27 in / 139.95 mm x 210.06 mm
Published Date October 31st, 2023
Agnes Hollyhock
Agnes Hollyhock is a lifelong Wiccan with an affinity for runes casting and tarot reading. She practices her craft in the Northeastern United States, where she lives with her beloved pet companions, cat Jack and tarantula Sally. 
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