Subtitle The Divine Beauty of Mathematics

Gary B. Meisner
Price $35.00 / £19.99
Description Description
Uncover the beauty of the divine proportion all around you with this meticulously researched and stunningly illustrated reference.

From the pyramids of Giza, to quasicrystals, to the proportions of the human face, the golden ratio has an infinite capacity to generate shapes with exquisite properties. In The Golden Ratio: The Divine Beauty of Mathematics, Author Gary Meisner examines the presence of this divine number in art and architecture throughout history, as well as its ubiquity among plants, animals, and even the cosmos. This gorgeous, display-worthy volume features:

  • Lay-flat dimensions that closely approximate the golden ratio
  • The results of the author’s twenty-year investigation and collaboration with thousands of people across the globe in dozens of professions and walks of life
  • Clear, enlightening, and entertaining commentary 
  • Over 250 captivating color images, including illustrations by Venezuelan artist and architect Rafael Araujo, photographs of nature and architecture, and famous artwork

The evidence closes the gaps of understanding related to many claims of the golden ratio’s appearances and applications, and presents new findings to take our knowledge further yet.

Whoever you are, and whatever you may know about this topic, you’ll find something new, interesting, and informative in this book, and may find yourself challenged to see, apply, and share this unique number of mathematics and science in new ways.
Format Hardcover Book 224 Pages
ISBN 9781631064869
Size9.25 in x 11.42 in / 234.95 mm x 290.07 mm
Published Date October 23rd, 2018
Gary B. Meisner
Gary B. Meisner is the creator of, a popular website dedicated to the mathematics, prevalence, and design applications of the golden ratio. In 2004, he led the development of his PhiMatrix Golden Ratio Design and Analysis software, which is used by thousands of artists, architects, designers, and photographers in over seventy countries, as well as in cosmetic medical and stock market analysis applications. After earning accounting and MBA degrees from two top business schools, he spent most of his career in CFO/CIO roles with operating units of five Fortune 1000 public companies. Gary is now a self-employed technology/systems consultant conducting ongoing research and collaboration on the golden ratio, and his work has been featured in Da Vinci The Exhibition at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. Providing an online community in which new findings can be shared and discussed, he helps others to appreciate the incredible beauty and design in the world around us and to applying these same principles of design to their own creative works.
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