Subtitle Ancient wisdom to make dating, domestic boredom and break-ups a bit less terrible

Annie Lawson, Oslo Davis
Price $12.99
Description Description

Stoic in Love uses the ancient wisdom of Stoic philosophy to help find love, build relationships and determine whether to stay or go when things become predictable or go pear-shaped.

How can a philosophy not normally associated with matters of the heart help us make our relationships more fulfilling, fire up partnerships that are treading water, get the best from dating online and in real life, and gracefully exit when things turn sour? Stoicism provides a framework for focusing on what matters, providing space before you react and making a decision when confronted with difficulty. Whether it's dating a person wearing horns and a kaftan, navigating a relationship where blobs of toothpaste are left smeared in the bathroom sink or being dumped via text with just one word – "enough".

This book encompasses anecdotes from the dating, relationship and separation frontlines. From practical wisdom on how to navigate the world of dating, to insights to making relationships better and more enduring, to strategies for breaking up well. Stoicism reminds us that the world is all about change and to focus on things we can control such as our thoughts, behaviours and actions. And to not worry so much about things we cannot control.

Format Trade Paperback 224 Pages
ISBN 9781761500404
Size5.20 in x 7.28 in / 132.08 mm x 184.91 mm
Published Date November 12th, 2024
Annie Lawson
Annie Lawson is a former journalist who has had a diverse career, from wrangling a clown on roller skates on a live television show and interviewing Kiss legend Gene Simmons to writing about China, technology and climate change for corporations and advocacy groups. Even though the work differed, Annie found some common threads, whether it be people who are annoying, meetings that are pointless and language that makes no sense. She consulted friends who worked in travel, health, resources, technology, emergency services, retail and financial services for inspiration and combined their advice with the ancient wisdom of Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
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