Quarto Creates | 26 Feb, 2021
Meet Katie Woodward
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_04174-868x1024.jpg Katie Woodward, author of The Urban Sketching Handbook: Understanding Light, is an urban sketcher and watercolor painter living in Brooklyn, New York. We asked Katie a few questions about her artistic process.

Quarto Creates: How did you first become interested in Urban Sketching?

Katie Woodward: I always thought painting outdoors, from life, sounded fun, but it wasn't until I started seeing urban sketches popping up on my pinterest that I started to go out sketching. It turned out to be as fun in practice as it seemed in theory, and soon after I started sketching more frequently I discovered the NYC Urban Sketchers chapter, which is full of some of the warmest and most lovely people you could care to spend an afternoon sketching with. Having a group of people to sketch with made it easier to keep up the practice!

QC: What is your advice for those who want to try Urban Sketching but aren't sure where to start?

KW: Remember that there are no wrong answers. You don't need fancy tools or a background in art to urban sketch. Just some paper and a pencil or pen will do! You can figure it out as you go along. Follow what you find fun!

QC: Who was your most influential teacher?

KW: I've been lucky to have several really amazing mentors through the years, but my first art teacher, Lisa Lew, was the source of incredible encouragement when I was a kid and is responsible for introducing me to most of the mediums I've used. She also gave me my first job: assistant teaching art classes when I was sixteen years old, which is when I discovered my love of teaching. Never underestimate the power of telling a kid that they're good at something!

QC: Where do you find inspiration for your art?

KW: For me inspiration is usually found in seeing architecture, a combination of colors, or the way light plays on an object. 

QC: What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from creating?

KW: If you toss your art every time it gets hard and you don't like how it's turning out, you will never finish anything. Whenever possible, try to persevere: it'll either come back around and you'll like it in the end, or you'll learn something from it. Either way, it's worth the time and effort. Some of my favorite paintings I've done I've spent time hating when they were in process, and I'm so glad I pushed through and finished them. 

Learn more about Katie's work on Instagram @ramblingsketcher and online at ramblingsketcher.com

Photo of Katie by JJ Darling

The Urban Sketching Handbook Understanding Light
Portraying Light Effects in On-Location Drawing and Painting
Katie Woodward
Price $19.99 / £14.99
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